أثير ليبيا

عمارة المدينة – شارع خليفة الزائدى الدور السادس – مكتب رقم 604 – طرابلس – ليبيا





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December 7, 2017

Hello world!

ATHEER LIBYA , Inc. is a supplier to the basic telecommunication solutions and services for Operators and service providers . We provide wireless telecommunication services . The company also offers equipment installation, integration , plant deployment ,, and drive testing services .

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ATHEER LIBYA , Inc. is a supplier to the basic telecommunication solutions and services for Operators and service providers .


لتوفير خدمات ذي جودة  عالية  تفوق توقعات زبائننا  ، كما نسعى لبناء علاقــــــات جيدة و طويلة المدى مع زبائننا  و عملاؤنا  و بتوفير خدمات عالية الجودة و ذلك باتباع سيــــــــاسة الجودة و الابتكــــار .


To build long term relationships with our customers and clients and provide exceptional customers services by pursuing goals through innovation and quality


بالتعاون مع كــــــــافة الموردين على المستوى المحلي و الدولي للقيام بالدور المتقدم في  مجال  صنــــــــــــاعة الاتصــــــــــالات


نحن نؤمن بمعاملة زبائننا بكل احترام و أمانة و نحن نتقدم من خلال الابداع و التجديد و الابتكــــــــار و نجمع الامــــانة و الصدق و نحترم أخلاق المهنة و نطبقها في كل اعمالنا .


التوسع في مجال خدمة الاتصالات و خلق قـــــــاعدة صلبة لزبائننا  المتميزون ، كما نهدف لزيادة راس مال الشركة و الاستثمار في دعم و توفير الخدمات لبناء سمعة طيبة في مجال الجودة لتصبح اللاعب الرئيسي في مجــــــــال توفير خدمـــــــات الاتصالات .

Atheer News

07 Dec 17
Hello world!

ATHEER LIBYA , Inc. is a supplier to the basic telecommunication solutions and services for Operator...

تخصصات شركة اثير ليبيا

أثير ليبيا للاتصالات و التقنية شركة متخصصة في توفير كافة الحلول و الخدمات  الخاصة بالاتصــالات و التقنية  و نحن نقوم  بتوفير خدمات الاتصالات السلكية  اللاسلكية  و التقنية  المعلومات و الخدمــــــــات الكهرو ميكانيكية كما نقوم بتركيب و اختيار و تشغيل منظومات الاتصال

  1. 1
    اثير ليبيا للإتصالات

    ATHEER LIBYA , Inc. is a supplier to the basic telecommunication solutions and services for
    Operators and service providers .
    We provide wireless telecommunication services . The company also offers equipment installation,
    integration , plant deployment ,and drive testing services .

  2. 2
    اثير ليبيا لتقنية المعلومات

    ATHEER LIBYA , Inc. is a supplier to the basic telecommunication solutions and services for
    Operators and service providers .
    We provide wireless telecommunication services . The company also offers equipment installation,
    integration , plant deployment ,, and drive testing services .


نوفر لزبائننا الحلول المناسبة و الخدمات التي تفئ باحتياجاتهم و ذلك بفضل  تقنياتنــــــا العلمية  و خبراتنا  العملية  و تمكينهم من التوسع في مقترحاتهم  القيمة ، و نحن  أيضا  نكرس جهودنا لاقتراح و توفير الحلول و الخدمــــــات بامتياز  و التأكد من ارضاء زبائننا  من خلال نظام ادارة الجودة


ATHEER LIBYA , Inc. is a supplier to the basic telecommunication solutions and services for Operators and service providers .

Atheer Libya Project

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Atheer Libya Project Demo

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Almadina buiding – Khalifa Ezayadi St. 6 floor – office number 604 – Tripoli – Libya




Contact Form
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To provide quality services that exceeds the expectations of our esteemed customers


To build long term relationships with our customers and clients and provide exceptional customers services by pursuing goals through innovation and quality


To cooperate with local and international vendors to play a major role in the advances of
the telecom industry.


We believe in treating our customers with respect and faith .
We grow through creativity ,invention and innovation .
We integrate honesty ,integrity and business ethics into all aspects of our
business functioning .


Regional expansion in the field of telecommunication services and develop a strong base of key customers and increase the assets and investments of the company to support the delivering of services and to build good reputation in the field quality and become a key player in the field of telecommunication solutions provision .

Atheer News

07 Dec 17
Hello world!

ATHEER LIBYA , Inc. is a supplier to the basic telecommunication solutions and services for Operator...

Atheer Company specialties

ATHEER LIBYA , Inc. is a supplier to the basic telecommunication solutions and services for Operators and service providers .

  1. 1

    ATHEER LIBYA , Inc. is a supplier to the basic telecommunication solutions and services for
    Operators and service providers .
    We provide wireless telecommunication services . The company also offers equipment installation,
    integration , plant deployment ,, and drive testing services .

  2. 2

    ATHEER LIBYA , Inc. is a supplier to the basic telecommunication solutions and services for
    Operators and service providers .
    We provide wireless telecommunication services . The company also offers equipment installation,
    integration , plant deployment ,, and drive testing services .


To offer our clients solutions and services adapted to their needs ,thanks to our knowledge of techniques and technologies as well as emerging markets, enabling them to extend their value proposition to their customers .
We are also committed to propose and deliver solutions and services to the level of excellence required to ensure the satisfaction of our customers through a structured quality system .

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